Friday, May 27, 2016

If You Have Seen Outside Drawers.....

Here is a fun project that I built for a trade show, with the help oh Han Solo (Can't spell his last name so he is Solo!) ...

The Long And Winding Road

In an instant everything can change. No matter how many precautions we take, or safety practices we implement, we as woodworkers are in imminent peril from the time we power up equipment until we turn them off.  on October 17 of 2012 while routinely flattening edges of stock on the joiner I suddenly found myself missing the knuckles on my ring and index fingers on my right hand. Four years, four surgeries, two rounds of pins (four permanent), wires, physical therapy and scarred psyche, I am here. So onward and upward! I will be reworking the sites to accommodate something that very rarely gets mentioned in all the magazines, books and...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

If I Had Only Done This Sooner...

    For those of you in the know, this is an absolute variation ( or bastardization) of  Tom Fidgen's very excellent toolbox that has been all over the place in the last year or so, with one small modification. It's the not so subtle massive leg vise mounted on it , if you couldn't spot it immediately.    This proves that  what people are always saying to me is true, and I quote, " You would put a vise on dog if you could." And......yes! More pictures soon, and a video of this atrocity in acti...

What a Good Place to Start Again!

    Well, It has been quite a while, like it or not , it's "ON". This blog is in full swing again. I am hoping to focus on benches and hand tool work as a new focus for Bench Vice, and more power tool and general woodworking techniques on the Wood Therapy page.     A new twist will be that a majority of content from now on will be on location, as I have acquired a slew of mobile technology, as a matter of  fact I will be uploading photos and videos of projects, techniques, and certain embarrassment of myself on the Facebook page.     In honor of a renewed sense of purpose, here is a link to the very cool Bench Crafted Moxon vice hardware. It looks as if you could easily convert it to be a good twin face vise, if you don't care to spin the wheels.  ...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kerfs So Thin You Can Wedge Them With Paper?

Non bench related post here, I am puzzled by a recent trend  happening with hand saws, thin saw plates! I personally do not understand it as I tend to cut on the waste side of my layout lines while doing joinery. For my part this is my greatest gripe with Japanese pull saws, I can cut a curved line with one without batting an eye, which is not the desired result. I think. For my money a saw with an 1/8" kerf ?, that sounds better just think of  how little paring would be needed on dovetail floors! Hmmmm., sounds like a job for Mr. Bad Axe Mark Harrell to ...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Joinery Bench: Part V

So now comes the very long post regarding the leg construction on this bench. It is very critical that you get the offset leg angles correct or the stability will be compromised. I encourage you to e-mail me if I do not relay this information in a manor that can be easily digested. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, lets do some math! Let's start with a formula for the leg height. Take the top thickness and add 3 1/2 " for the top braces and the bottom skis. My top is 2 1/2 + 3 1/2 = 6". Now, take the total height you want your bench to be, mine will be 38" for my 5' 10" stature, and subtract the answer from the first math, 38 - 6 =...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's About Time !!!!

After a lengthy and unexpected hiatus due to an unusual influx of projects at my day job, as well as my over the top involvement in South Asheville's Little League program. Posts will now resume on this site. I apologize for the lengthy delay in posting the next Joinery Bench installment, but rest assured you can expect it in the next couple of days. (As soon as I rifle through the sixty or so photos for that post!) Ci...

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